which are the best pickles of India in 2024?
Pickles happen to be one of the most tempting food items within the Indian cuisine, and each region has its own variety. Being such a rich country in culinary history, different parts of India offer a number of palatable pickles. A few of the popular and loved ones across the country are as follows:
Mango Pickle (Aam ka Achar): Sour and spicy, these are prepared more or less with raw mango, mustard oil, and a spice concoction.
Citrusy and zesty, this is a typical pickle made with limes, chili peppers, and mustard oil.
Mixed Vegetable Pickle: Mixed vegetable pickles are colorful as well as packed with flavor. Common vegetables to be used in this mixed pickle include carrots, cauliflower, and green beans.
Garlic Pickle: A spicy pickle, the scent of which is pungent in aroma and taste, is made from mostly garlic, chili peppers, and mustard oil.
Chilli Pickle: Made from the fruit of chili peppers in a hot and fiery pickle with mustard oil and a number of spices.
Of course, the best pickle is again a matter of choice. Do try these varieties and decide on the one that suits your taste best!